Tag: ewangelizacja na ulicy

JESUS in the street # 17/ Rescue operation

The phone rings, a young boy asks for help says he is standing at a crossroads and has suicidal thoughts. He says: – I don’t know if you will believe me, but I have stepped into something very bad, evil spirits, something very bad is happening to me. I don’t know if you believe me?…
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JESUS in the street # 16/ It is enough to trust God

It’s early in the morning, straight out of the dumpster a man gets in the car and we want to go to detox, to the emergency room. He puts on a warmer pullover, warms up, we drive and talk and pray. I say – You know what? The Lord God is doing great miracles! The…
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JESUS in the street # 15 / And in the chapel JESUS was waiting

I get a phone call, help is needed. We need to meet someone, talk to him, pray for the Holy Spirit, maybe he will give his life to Jesus. – When can you come? – I hear on the phone. – Well, maybe right now, it’s a little crazy on my part, only half an…
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God’s signs #29 / Jesus took care of the children

Ania: Hallelujah Dorota. Dorothy: Praised be Jesus Christ and the ever Virgin Mary. God bless you, Ania. Ania: For ever and ever Amen. It’s good for me to talk to you because I would like us to record a testimony that happened last year and its fruits are still there and can be seen. This…
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JESUS on the street # 14/ Phone call from Dad

I myself don’t know what to do anymore, go or wait, go or wait,. I am in one place and the person who needs help is in another place, in another city.  It is not only the distance that separates us, but also the lack of a telephone. He has a paper card with Mary,…
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JESUS on the street # 13 / Nobody

It is early in the morning, we are waiting for the opening of the addiction therapy clinic to get to the hospital later, to the emergency room. We wanted to be the first because no procedures helped, no offices and we decided to do it ourselves, the way we knew how, the way we wanted.…
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JESUS on the street # 10 / Does the inside of the church hurt?

I make an appointment with an alcohol abusing homeless man for Sunday Mass. We stand in the doorway, climb the stairs, we are in the vestibule of the church the man looks at the wall takes a step and cries.  – What is happening? – I ask – why are you crying? – I am…
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JESUS on the street # 9 / How many people have you brought to JESUS?

I made an appointment with one young lad that we would go to a new place this week so that he could change his life with God and with people, start again. As we are standing there, talking, setting the date, praying, the boy says – I already have a rosary on my arm, but…
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JESUS on the street # 8 / And next year there will be a wedding

It’s 2 October, the Marian month, the month of the Rosary. I am sitting together with the homeless in a group, in a kind of wooden house. There is a round table. We all sit together and begin to pray the rosary. One rosary, after saying a Hail Mary, each person passes the rosary to…
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JESUS on the street #3 / Emergency Room

It’s early morning we stand by the ER waiting to get in, will they admit him for detox and therapy? Or will they not One man in a wheelchair poisoning himself with denatured alcohol. Already the last phase of alcoholism, when you have nothing left, you have left everything, everyone has left you, when you have…
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