Tag: ewangelizacja na ulicy

JESUS on the street # 63 / You have a home here

It was on Christmas last year, on Christmas Eve itself, but I still remember the conversations and the event. As usual on Christmas Eve, I set out to share. This time I had three places in my heart. The last place that no one knew about was when I went to the dump, to the…
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Jesus on the street # 62/ Return of the prodigal son

Quickly bring out the finest robe we have and put it on him. Place a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us celebrate with a feast. For this son of mine was dead and has come back to life. He was lost,…
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Mary and Me. A Marian testimony. Magdalena

I want to talk about Our Lady of Saint Lipka. This image is the most close to me. Many years ago, you could say that prayer just there changed my life. After three years without the sacraments, I wondered how to go to confession. Whether I should go at all. I didn’t feel prepared. There…
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12.07.22 Toruń, Rekolekcje o. John Bashobora

W dniu 12 lipca 2022 uczestniczymy w jednodniowych rekolekcjach z o. Johnem Bashoborą w licznej grupie osób – Adam, Andrzej, Sławek, Grażyna, Wioleta, Maciej, Lidka, Lena, Nikola, Ela, Wojtek, Ania- Duchu Święty działaj z mocą w nas i przez nas. Organizator rekolekcji: Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Ewangelizacyjne „Posłanie”

JESUS on the street #141 / Mountains melt like wax before the image of the Lord.

Scripture is full of God’s promises. God gives a promise if He sends you somewhere, or gives you assignments, and God is always faithful to those given promises. The question is, am I always faithful? Do I take this promise as concrete? Precisely, Lord please multiply my unquenchable faith, which always gives joy, always! In…
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JESUS on the street # 61 / A suitcase of needs.

A suitcase of needs sometimes varies. I experienced a particular suitcase during a meeting I led at a shelter for homeless men. There was coffee, cookies, there was prayer, singing, but there was also a suitcase. I had sewn hearts in this suitcase with a card with a prayer and a picture of Our Lady…
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JESUS on the street # 59 / JESUS saw him in the crowd and touched him

A homeless man who was in our community at a retreat on the Eucharist in Tarnow, Poland in February 2020, heard directly from Jesus the words that he was with him. And how do I know this? In the break he told me himself. He says like this: – Did you hear, did you hear…
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JESUS on the street # 58 / Scripture for the homeless man

Have you ever seen a homeless man with a plastic bag in which Scripture shone through, who emerges from some vacant lot or a bunker, from some bushes, and carries Scripture with him? I did, the sight was priceless, as this young boy got into my car and together we drove to a retreat on…
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JESUS on the Street # 57 / Word of Life. New Chapter. At the train station, he opened the Scriptures

Sometimes the Word we receive from God is the Word for a new path. Sometimes the signs we receive confirming this Word are scattered in different places. I stand at the beginning of a long corridor of a homeless shelter and cry out:– It’s time, it’s time to start a new life!  The voice carries…
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JESUS on the Street # 56 / The desired cross

Finally, the moment this boy had been waiting so hard for had arrived. He was to get a cross around his neck, just like the other homeless people. How he dreamed of it, how he waited so much for that cross. Have you ever waited like this for a cross? Before that, he wore, because…
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