Tag: apostołowie miłości

JESUS on the Street # 30 / Why does God allow this to happen?

I hear a woman’s upset voice on the phone – What is happening crosses all boundaries. Someone tore down a cross, trampled it, someone poured black paint over a monument to born children, did you see? You know, there is a woman in our church who undressed and threw herself at the priest with a…
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JESUS in the street # 29 / Freed prisoner in Medjugorie

 How much is a human soul worth? I ask myself this question when I read text messages from Medjugorie, from a boy who went on his pilgrimage of life. Quite accidentally, actually not accidentally, because Mary sent him there. The first text message came saying – Tomorrow Holy Communion, 11 years I lived in sin,…
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JESUS on the Street # 28 / Mary invites a homeless man

I have had a long evening conversation with this boy. I know something is wrong. In the morning I wake up and I am sure. I have to go pick him up from there and he should go to Medjugorie, to Mary. Well, yes, but how do I do that? I go to morning mass,…
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God’s signs #21 / Jesus makes an appointment over the phone

Ania; You wanted to tell a testimony about something that happened to you recently. Ewelina; Yes, I wanted to share this nice news because I was talking recently with a friend of mine who I talk to quite often. And we were practically talking about such ordinary matters and suddenly, out of the blue, I…
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Mary and me. Marian Testimony – Ela

As I recall, Mary was present practically all the time. I remember from my childhood that I liked praying very much. There was the peregrination of Mary’s picture and also going for the rosary and the May devotions. I liked those devotions very much, and actually I stayed like that, To this day I like…
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Mary and I, Marian testimony, Ewelina

Mary is a shelter for me, a fortress from which the enemy must flee. Because where Mary is, there is the Holy Spirit. There is Jesus, there is the Living God. I am very captivated by the Testament of the Cross, where Jesus entrusts us to Mary. He knows that with her, nothing threatens us.…
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#świadectwo/ Maryja i ja- Natalia

Świadectwo maryjne na Zwiastowanie Pańskie dzień 25.03.2022- Natalia Nowak Maryja w moim życiu była od samego początku. To moja babcia klękała ze mną i pokazywała jak przekładać wówczas wtedy dla mnie w dłoni koraliki pachnące różą. To z nią codziennie klękałyśmy przed obrazem Matki Boskiej z Dzieciątkiem przepraszając, dziękując i prosząc o wstawiennictwo. Do dzisiaj…
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#świadectwo / Gdzie chodzisz do fryzjera?

Gdzie chodzisz do fryzjera czyli świadectwo o Bogu u fryzjera- świadectwo Ewelina Bartoszewicz, 17.05.2022

#świadectwo / Wizyta u dentysty z JEZUSEM

Wizyta u dentysty z JEZUSEM- świadectwo Ewelina Bartoszewicz, 17.05.2022

#świadectwo / Dzielić od serca swoją drożdżówkę z ubogim

Dzielić od serca swoją drożdżówkę z ubogim – świadectwo Ewelina Bartoszewicz, 17.05.2022