Tag: ewangelizacja na ulicy

#świadectwo / Moja mama poszła spotkać się z Bogiem

Moja mama poszła spotkać się z Bogiem – świadectwo Aleksandra Rak, 20.01.2022 / 31.05.2022

Maj ! 30 Mszy Świętych w maju ku czci Maryi Oblubienicy Ducha Świętego za Dzieło Ewangelizacji

W miesiącu maju, codziennie o godz.7.00 zostanie odprawionych 30 Mszy Świętych za Dzieło Ewangelizacji Ubogich i Strapionych ku czci Najświętszej Maryi Panny Oblubienicy Ducha Świętego w kaplicy Domu Misyjnego Księży Werbistów w Kleosinie według przesłanej intencji Zgłaszana intencja* – za Dzieło Ewangelizacji Ubogich i Strapionych i Wspólnotę Apostołów Miłości w Polsce i zagranicą, za darczyńców…
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God’s signs #23 / God is faithful to his word

Ania; I wanted to tell you something that touched me a lot from our meeting on Thursday, that’s why I’m calling you, you said that you constantly mention in your testimony and it is an important moment for you when God touched you in Koszalin. We went there, we prayed together and God touched you…
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GOD’S SIGNS #19 She heard at a prayer – „Put on your socks”

Ewelina: A cool thing happened to me this morning. I got a terrible cough this morning, I didn’t know what to do with it, I was choking! Ania: It wasn’t a cool thing, I guess? Ewelina: No, it wasn’t, because I was choking with that cough, I couldn’t sleep anymore, I got up and drank…
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GOD’S SIGNS #18 I Do you believe in the power of the Name of JESUS ?

In the Name of Jesus, that is by His power. JESUS – this Name means „Yahweh saves.” I get the message: „pray for me”. I think to myself – I will make a phone call. We talk and I start to share testimonies. We are praying for the Holy Spirit, a woman is crying. I…
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JESUS on the street # 31 / They called out – JESUS help

I enter the adoration chapel with two homeless men. A while ago we met on the street and they finally said, yes we want to change lives, we want to pray and we want to change lives. and there was this moment. And what’s better they said: 'we want to go to Jesus now before…
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JESUS on the Street # 30 / Why does God allow this to happen?

I hear a woman’s upset voice on the phone – What is happening crosses all boundaries. Someone tore down a cross, trampled it, someone poured black paint over a monument to born children, did you see? You know, there is a woman in our church who undressed and threw herself at the priest with a…
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JESUS in the street # 29 / Freed prisoner in Medjugorie

 How much is a human soul worth? I ask myself this question when I read text messages from Medjugorie, from a boy who went on his pilgrimage of life. Quite accidentally, actually not accidentally, because Mary sent him there. The first text message came saying – Tomorrow Holy Communion, 11 years I lived in sin,…
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JESUS on the Street # 28 / Mary invites a homeless man

I have had a long evening conversation with this boy. I know something is wrong. In the morning I wake up and I am sure. I have to go pick him up from there and he should go to Medjugorie, to Mary. Well, yes, but how do I do that? I go to morning mass,…
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God’s signs #21 / Jesus makes an appointment over the phone

Ania; You wanted to tell a testimony about something that happened to you recently. Ewelina; Yes, I wanted to share this nice news because I was talking recently with a friend of mine who I talk to quite often. And we were practically talking about such ordinary matters and suddenly, out of the blue, I…
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