Tag: pomoc dla bezdomnych

God’s signs #45 / Start praying for those who have not come to know God

Ania: Hallelujah, WioletaWioleta: Hallelujah Ania, very nice to hear from you.Ania: You know what? As I read your message because I sent a message to a few people about the Ave Maria Prayer Ministry and as I read your message and your testimony that you wrote to me there. That’s me saying to myself –…
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#świadectwo / Cud Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej na detoksie narkotykowym

Cud Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej na detoksie narkotykowym – świadectwo Ania Wyrzykowska, 26.08.2022. / Uroczystość Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej [26.08, 20:30] Wielbi dusza moja Pana, i raduje się duch mój w Bogu, moim Zbawcy. Bo wejrzał na uniżenie Służebnicy swojej….. gdyż wielkie rzeczy uczynił mi Wszechmocny….TO dopiero początek. Mocno w to wierzę. Czuję potęgę Boga.I wstawiennictwo Matki…
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#świadectwo / Modlitwa w szpitalu i nie ma obciętej nogi

Modlitwa w szpitalu i nie ma obciętej nogi – świadectwo Maciej, 08.08.2022.

JESUS on the Street #100 / Jasna Góra Appeal. Mary in evangelization

In evangelization and to evangelize, the Lord God uses everyone and everything, even policemen. I made an appointment with two homeless people for the Appeal of Jasna Góra in the church at 9 p.m. It’s June, so in the evening you can sit down later to talk and pray. There will be a priest, there…
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Nasza książka ze świadectwa – „ŚWIADECTWA BOŻEJ MIŁOŚCI”

Z natchnienia Ducha Świętego o działaniu Żywego Boga w swoim życiu,zbiorowo opowiadają 22 osoby. Książka zawiera świadectwa 22 osób, świadectwa nawrócenia,uzdrowienia, ewangelizowania na ulicy, świadectwa życia Słowem, Bożym, świadectwa o Maryi.1/ Aleksandra Rak, 2/ Ewelina Bartoszewicz, 3/ Magdalena Garczarek, 4/ Natalia Nowak, 5/ Paweł Zawal, 6/ Marek Suski, 7/ Marek Sidło, 8/ Michał Głódź, 9/…
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JESUS on the street #99 / They have had too much wine

Pentecost, the noise of the wind, overhead flames, various languages, singing, praying. As it is written in the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2 verse 13 „Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine”. Signs of drunkenness!  If you read about resting in the Holy Spirit, about the effects…
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JESUS on the street #98 / God is faithful and never gives up

If God really wants from you, if you talk to HIM, and tell HIM everything honestly, then believe, HE will not leave you with your questions. HE will not leave you with what HE has promised you. Listen to my story. Last year after March 2, I decided not to answer strangers’ phone calls for…
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JESUS on the street #97 / The homeless accepted the invitation. How about you?

If someone invites you to a retreat, to pray, to sing, will you say yes? Think well, will you say yes? On November 18 and 19, 2017, I invited four homeless people to pray, retreat, sing together, and they said yes. It was so surprising and so joyful for me, because when they said yes…
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JESUS on the street #96 / A prescription for God’s plan. 60 hearts are waiting

The prescription for the fulfillment of God’s plan is to invite God into it. What is my prescription, how did I do it? Mass in the morning to kiss two relics, and I centrally say – I take St. Brother Albert with me today. Someone asks – Why do you want these relics? And why…
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God’s signs #72 / One God lives in my house

Ania: Hallelujah the Lord is risen and is with us, Ola. Ola: Hallelujah Jesus is alive. Ania: Yes !!! Yesterday you told a testimony at the Thursday meeting, because everyone told a testimony from this period around Christmas. And your testimony was so beautiful about the work of the Lord God that it just needs…
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