Tag: pomoc dla bezdomnych

#świadectwo/ Modlitwa w Imię Jezusa w chorobie

Modlitwa w Imię Jezusa w chorobie- świadectwo Magda Wyrzykowska, 15.09.2022, Matki Bożej Bolesnej. Chciałabym opowiedzieć swoje świadectwo. W sumie to chyba nawet 3 swiadectwa. Niestety na chwilę obecną nie jestem w stanie nagrać, ponieważ męczą mnie duszności i mam przez to problem z mówieniem…1.Na początku sierpnia prosiłam Was o modlitwę w mojej intencji, ponieważ miałam…
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#świadectwo/ JEZUS mnie uzdrowił i mam na to medyczne dowody

JEZUS mnie uzdrowił i mam na to medyczne dowody . – świadectwo Ewelina Bartoszewicz, 15.09.2022, Najświętszej Maryi Panny Bolesnej JEZUS uzdrowił choroba autoimmunologiczna i depresja- świadectwo Ewelina z dnia 03.07.2021 Bóg jest wierny swoim Słowom. Modlitwa, która zmieniła życie- świadectwo Ewelina / nagranie z dnia 13.11.2021 / 10.12.2019 Koszalin / 18.10.2019

#świadectwo / Łaska działania z Jezusem i Maryją

Łaska działania z Jezusem i Maryją – świadectwo Ania Wyrzykowska, 13.09.2022. / Kolejny dzień rocznicy Objawień Fatimskich

#świadectwo/ Zestaw daty a zobaczysz Maryję

Zestaw daty a zobaczysz Maryję – świadectwo Ania Wyrzykowska, 13.09.2022. / Kolejny dzień rocznicy Objawień Fatimskich

JESUS on the street #115 / Pilgrim icons in Medjugorie.

Pilgrim people and pilgrim images. We already knew that we were to go together, Apostles of Love, the three of us to Medjugorie from February 27 to March 6, 2019 for a pilgrimage Everything was as if prepared, announced, the extraordinary stories themselves, the sequence of extraordinary events and Mary, all the time Mary, who…
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JESUS on the Street #114 / Mary invited us to Medjugorie together

When you entrust your life to Mary, so that it is she who leads you to Jesus, I am sure you will see signs, very clear signs of her intervention in your life and those you are to lead with her to Jesus. But from the beginning. There is a story, just related to Mary,…
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JESUS on the street #113 / Day after day, we moved the mountain together

Move over, well slide over there, move over. When you read in Matthew chapter 17 verse 20 how Jesus says: “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.…
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JESUS on the street #112 / With Jesus, every day is extraordinary.

Many people say „just a day, like every day” or „somehow it flies by” or „well it couldn’t be worse today”, „it is like it is”, and yet this is the day when everything starts again. Another gift, a new day, new opportunities. When I look back like this, a day, a day, but for…
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JESUS on the street #111 / He fell asleep under the statue of Mary.

Have you ever slept under Mary? Well, under the statue of Mary. Maybe also under Mary…? I haven’t yet! But I know a man who was changed by it. The story is unusual, it happened in September 2019. The boy was homeless, back on the path of addiction, drinking, wandering about. I tried to find…
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JESUS on the Street #110 / During the Stations of the Cross in Medjugorie, she wanted to be baptized

Extraordinary things happen in Medjugorie with Mary. It is a grace too to witness them.  When we were on a community pilgrimage just at Mary’s and going to the apparition on March 2, 2019, I go and talk to a woman. The day before in the evening there were testimonies, I spoke a testimony, told…
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