Tag: Jezus żyje

JESUS on the street #88 / God first loved us.

With God’s love is like the greatest treasure. It cannot be bought. it cannot be earned, you just get it for free. In the first letter of St. John chapter 4 verse 19 it is written ” God Himself first loved us „.It is He who comes forth saying – I love you, I love…
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JESUS on the street #87 / Are you God’s mailman?

That day at the Children’s Home I was a letter carrier distributing letters to everyone, a separate letter from the Best Father, to you, and you.  Are you being such a letter carrier?  We all read the words of Scripture, it’s a letter to us, everyone will read a different day and read the passage…
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JESUS on the streets #86 / Glory of God.

– Why did you come here? – Well, exactly why did I come?  First coffee with a friend December 4, a shelter for homeless men. Coffee, baked a yeast cake and went alone to the shelter, because that’s what I heard I was supposed to do. I had an appointment, the men knew, because earlier…
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God’s signs #59 / She evangelizes with scarves

Anna – Ella it was you who first started this action with scarves, because you came to me, we talked, we met, you came to me and said – I have scarves for you. That was your thought. Ela: I meant that I knew that you help other people, those who need help, care, love,…
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GOD’S SIGNS #49 / GOD gave her brother and a cross from a dumpster

Ania: God speaks to us in different ways and you know what? I remember all the time, it’s been 2 years when traveled this road and went to visit your brother in Koszalin, to the House of Mercy We went during the Christmas season near Santa Claus it was December 10, 2019. I had two…
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#świadectwo / Dajesz dajesz radę w Imię Boże bracie i siostro

Dajesz dajesz radę bracie i siostro w Imię Boże bracie i siostro / świadectwo Adam Nowicki / nagrane 17.08.2022 / 14 Góralska Pielgrzymka Rowerowa z Giewontu na Hel

#świadectwo/ Zabrałem na stopa Szymona Piotra o kuli i modliliśmy się

Zabrałem na stopa Szymona Piotra o kuli i modliliśmy się – świadectwo Maciej, 01.08.2022.

#świadectwo / Kto słucha Ducha Świętego ten trafi do celu

Kto słucha Ducha Świętego ten trafia do celu – świadectwo Maciej, 27.07.2022.

#świadectwo / Wezwałem karetkę i dałem Maryję

Wezwałem karetkę i dałem Maryję- świadectwo Maciej, 06.08.2022.

#świadectwo / JEZU pokaż mi osobę której mam dzisiaj pomóc

JEZU pokaż mi dzisiaj osobę której mam pomóc- świadectwo Maciej, 03.08.2022