Tag: Niech Jezus będzie uwielbiony

#świadectwo / Nowe życie i rodzina

Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty – Nowe życie i rodzina / świadectwo Lidki

#świadectwo/ Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty i św. Jan Paweł II – Ola i Ania

Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty i św. Jan Paweł II / świadectwo Ola Rak i Ania Wyrzykowska

#świadectwo/ Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty – Adam

Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty czyli uzdrowienia, znaki i cuda – świadectwo Adam, 05.06.2022.

#świadectwo/ Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty – Maciej

Nasz Wieczernik i Duch Święty czyli uzdrowienia, znaki i cuda – świadectwo Maciej, 05.06.2022

JESUS on the Street # 43 / The Cross and the People from the Dumpster

We sit on a white leather couch that has just arrived, donated from one house to another. We sit together with people who have spent the night on the street before and talk. There’s Mary, we’ve brought cake, we’re brewing coffee, and they’re telling us what ends up in the dumpster. A woman says: „Do…
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God’s Signs # 27 / I’m lying in hospital and I have one ticket

Ania: God is great and He creates such coincidences, sends people, brings people together, that extraordinary things happen. Marek, I wanted to record this testimony with you, because you are at the beginning of this story, which is very unusual for me. I was driving at the time to visit people who were in the…
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Mary and Me. A Marian testimony – Natalia

Mary was in my life from the very beginning. It was my grandmother who used to kneel with me and show me how to put rose-scented beads in my hand. It was with her that we knelt every day in front of the picture of Our Lady and Child apologizing, thanking, and asking for intercession.…
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JESUS on the street # 42 / Trust not to worry about the couch

It’s October. Tt’s getting colder. It’s wet outside. The homeless who are somewhere on their own outside slowly begin to look for places to stay, places where they can get live with someone else. And so we find ourselves invited to a meeting, a peregrination with Our Lady of Fatima, in an apartment where some…
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JESUS on the Street # 40 / God I Don’t Have Gas

God takes care of our needs. I have experienced it firsthand that HE sees it in such great detail and very on time. When I had to drive a homeless person I met on Tuesday to a retreat on Friday. I only had enough money at home in cash or in my bank account to…
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DAR -05.06.2022 Msza św. w Intencji Dzieła Ewangelizacji Ubogich i Strapionych w Dąbrówce Tuchowskiej w Uroczystość Zesłania Ducha Świętego

Dnia 05 czerwca.2022 ( NIEDZIELA) w Uroczystość Zesłania Ducha Świętego godzina 8 w kaplicy PW św. Brata Alberta w Dąbrówce Tuchowskiej koło Tuchowa została odprawiona Msza święta w intencji osób posługujących w DZIELE EWANGELIZACJI UBOGICH I STRAPIONYCH o natchnienia DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO dla nich. / z intencji Wandy z Dąbrówki Tuchowskiej. Dnia 21 stycznia 2022 dostałam…
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