Tag: dzieło ewangelizacji ubogich i strapionych

JESUS on the street #76 / Jesus healed her leg, She hugged Him

What does it mean to touch Jesus? To come close? To feel? To embrace? Is it possible? I’m at a retreat at the Seminary, a workshop of the ministry of charismatic prayer. More and more people are gathering in the small chapel. We agreed that we would pray together for a nun who walks on…
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JEZUS on the street #75 / JEZUS is looking for you. A homeless person helps a homeless person. Can I do it?

Two homeless men first go to church together, then the one helps the other at the crucial moment when the one should be found to change his life, because his health is threatened, his life is threatened, he is discharged from the hospital with a life-threatening condition. When we eat lunch together at home, baking…
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JESUS on the street #74 / God be born in all your darkness

Let God be born in all your darkness. Where there is darkness let there be light. I felt these words specially, unusually, and so personally, when on the second day of Christmas, we took what was on the tables and went to one man who lived with four others to share what was there. It…
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JESUS on the street #73 / God looks into the heart, a rose for a daughter

God wants us to love each other and show this love to each other as we are able, He wants us to learn it. I met a man when he was homeless, in the fall of 2019. He was homeless, spending the night on the street. We prayed, he found a place to start a…
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JESUS on the street #72 / You are invited to the feast in heaven

Talking about God and heaven, remembering the dead, does not have to be sad at all, although there is some sorrow in the heart that we can not be together, now. I get a text message like this – I am so sorry I have already ordered many masses for him. I pray for the…
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JESUS on the street #71 / Singing carols in the car

Two cars usually means 10 passengers, It was an unusual journey, two drivers and 8 homeless people, actually taken directly from the street. What unfolded was five people, in each vehicle. While driving we sang Christmas carols, it was the Christmas season, and the snow was falling so hard that the cars were driving at…
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JESUS on the Street # 70/ Community Mass, the reward of the righteous and one angel each

„Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward”. / Mt 10:41 ” Go, therefore, to the parted ways and invite to the feast all whom you meet” / Mt 22:9 Community Christmas Mass December 20,…
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Bóg jest Miłością – Apostołowie Miłości

” Myśmy poznali i uwierzyli miłości, jaką Bóg ma ku nam. Bóg jest miłością: kto trwa w miłości, trwa w Bogu, a Bóg trwa w nim.” / 1 j 4, 16 Alleluja 16 lipca 2022 mamy znak graficzny, skrót charyzmatu – Będziecie uwalniali ludzi przez MIŁOŚĆ miłość. Serce Jezusa – Serce Maryi – serce człowieka.…
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JESUS on the street # 69/ More people in need

I hear on the phone – I don’t want to go to a shelter or social services. – They don’t want to be on the street either. Is there any other alternative? The phone rings, a young boy asks for help – I’m lost, but I got the call from a friend, is there anything…
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JESUS on the street # 68/ I carry the rosary with me constantly

– What are you holding in your hands? – I say to the homeless man I just brought from the shelter and who was about to go to a new place – What do you have there in your clenched hand? He opens it slowly and shows a rosary. – This is the rosary from…
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